Stats blog 8 (share some experiences related to statistics)Today, I would like to share some projects I have done in other courses I have taken before. I have taken STA304 which is related to the…Mar 28, 20211Mar 28, 20211
Stats blog 7 (GLMs: Logistic and Poisson regression)I would like to introduce GLMs which are the Logistic and Poisson regression.Mar 27, 20213Mar 27, 20213
Stats blog 6 (Distributions, categorical variables and generalized linear models (GLMs))DistributionsMar 26, 20212Mar 26, 20212
Stats blog 5 (Correlated data, Maximum likelihood and Linear mixed models)Vocabulary (related to correlated data)Mar 24, 20211Mar 24, 20211
Stats blog 4 (share some experiences related to statistics)Today, I would like to share some assignments and projects I have done in other courses I have taken before. I have taken STA302 which is…Mar 22, 20213Mar 22, 20213
Stats blog 3 (Ethics and communication)Today, I would like to share some topics related to ethics and communication.Mar 21, 20214Mar 21, 20214
Stats blog 2 (Data wrangling)Today, I would like to share some knowledge related to tidy data and data wrangling learned from the previous statistics classes and…Mar 19, 20215Mar 19, 20215